Dochgarroch Primary school raises second eco-flag

Dochgarroch Primary School is to finish the school term on a high note today (Thursday 29th June) when local Highland Councillor Ron Lyon raises the school’s second Eco flag.

The school gained its first Green Flag in the national Eco-schools scheme in 2004.

Only one other school in the Highland Council area has received their second flag, Elgol Primary, who have made it to their third flag.

Designed to fit into the curriculum, the Eco-schools award scheme gets everyone in the school community involved in making the school environment better. Eco-schools aims to make sustainable development a part of the life and ethos of schools.
A mini-Victorian concert is to take place in Dochgarroch Village Hall at 6.30pm when there will also be presentations to Primary 7 pupils and staff who are leaving the school.
Pupils, parents and staff will then walk back to the school grounds at 7.00pm for the flag raising ceremony, celebration cake, barbeque and bouncy castle.

3 Jul 2006