Wildlife given top billing at Inverness conference

Wildlife enthusiasts are convening at Great Glen House, Inverness next week (Wednesday 26 February) to hear about biodiversity work across Highland and share their thoughts on priorities for action in the next five-six years.

The Highland Biodiversity Conference will give attendees an opportunity to find out how wildlife is benefiting from a range of projects ranging from landscape-scale ini-tiatives such as the work of the Peatlands Partnership in Caithness and Sutherland, to habitat-based approaches like the Highland Seashore Project, to enterprises specifically targeting the needs of priority species such as the Highland Wildcat Project.

The Conference, which is hosted by the Highland Environment Forum, is entitled “Highland Biodiversity Action Plan: What have we achieved so far and what are our priorities for the future?”  It will be chaired by SNH Board Member Ian Ross, with an introduction from Forum Chairman, Highland Councillor George Farlow.

Councillor Farlow said: “I am very excited to introduce this Highland Biodiversity Conference.  We have a wealth of great presentations in a very full programme, and attendees will also get the opportunity to tell us what issues they’d like our Forum to work on in the next few years.”

Ian Ross added: “I chaired the Highland Biodiversity Partnership when it was estab-lished back in 2006, and in the eight years since I have seen local groups and part-ners deliver a plethora of excellent projects both at the local level and across High-land.

“Now that the Partnership has become part of the Highland Environment Forum, we have a great opportunity to shape the future direction of biodiversity work across Highland and deliver even more good projects for local wildlife.”

The Environment Forum is currently preparing a new draft Highland Biodiversity Action Plan, which will cover the period from 2014 to 2020.  The results of the discussion session will feed into the consultative draft document, which will be issued for public consultation next month.

The conference is specifically targeted at representatives from organisations and groups with an interest in delivering action for biodiversity in Highland, but anyone with an interest in Highland wildlife is welcome to attend.  Please visit the website www.highlandbiodiversity.com and fill in the registration form.


17 Feb 2014