Children’s Artwork features on Crofting Calendar

A 2014 calendar presenting the best artwork created by primary school children across Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross is the culmination of a two year project promoting the benefits of crofting to children.

In May 2012 over 250 pupils attended a Crofting Fun Day organised by local Highland Council and National Trust for Scotland Countryside Rangers in partnership with Crofting Connections and the Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum. In the following spring the children visited a working croft in their local area and created artwork as a result of the inspiration gained from that visit.

700 calendars were printed and distributed amongst the participating schools, enabling every child in each school to have a copy and a year-long reminder of the importance of crofting to our rural communities. The calendar closes with the Gaelic proverb, “Beathaich thusa mis’ an-diugh, is beathaichidh mis’ thus’ a-màireach.” “Feed thou me today, and I’ll feed you tomorrow.”

The finances required to cover the printing costs were met by the organisers with support from the Wester Ross Environmental Network and Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association.

First prize winner in the schools art competition was Hannah MacDiarmid from Auchtertyre Primary School with second and third prizes being won by Laura Macleod, Plockton Primary School and Isla Macleod, Bun-Sgoil Stafainn.

3 Jan 2014