A Grand Design

A competition to design a logo for the new Highland Housing Association has been won by a 3rd year pupil, Eti Stanoeva, from Charleston Academy, Inverness. Eti, who has won her school £500 and an individual prize of £25, in vouchers, was today presented with her prize by the chairman of Highland Housing Association, Angus Maclean.

The competition was organised by Highland Housing Association, a new not-for profit housing association formed to take over the management of all the council’s current housing stock if tenants vote ‘Yes’ in a ballot to be held later this year and was open to schools throughout the Highlands.

The Chairman of Highland Housing Association, Angus Maclean said:

" We felt it was very important to involve the local community as much as possible as the issue of housing transfer is one, which will bring benefits to the whole community. By holding a competition we didn’t have to go to an expensive marketing company for our design. This has meant that the project has been very cost effective. The combination of community involvement and cost effectiveness is very much how we plan to work in the future.

Doreen Jones the Committee Member who first suggested the idea of a competition said:

" We are delighted with the winning design as it gives us a very strong brand identity. However, making a final decision on the winner wasn’t easy as the quality of the competition was very high and goes to show the depth of talent in our schools".

Eti’s winning design will be now be used by Highland Housing Association as its logo and will appear on letterheads, newsletters and other material produced by the organisation and on the forthcoming roadshow vehicles, which will be touring throughout the Highlands in March.

The roadshows will offer information and advice to tenants on housing transfer and feedback received will help draw up the Highland Housing Association’s business plan. Details of the roadshow will be provided in the next edition of the Highland Council’s newsletter, Highland Tenant update, which is due out on the 9th March. Information can also be obtained be calling: 01463 702810.

Notes to editors

12 Apr 2006