Council Leader welcomes Scottish Government’s progress on Berriedale Braes project

The Leader of The Highland Council Councillor Drew Hendry has welcomed the progress being made by the Scottish Government to upgrade the Berriedale Braes, Caithness.

Scottish Transport Minister Keith Brown has advised Councillor Hendry that public consultation on the preferred alignment is scheduled to take place soon and he hopes to publish the trunk road orders by the summer of this year, allowing construction to commence just as soon as funding becomes available.

Councillor Hendry said: “I am delighted with the commitment of the Scottish Government to have this project shovel ready by consulting over the alignment and putting in place the necessary trunk road orders – ready for construction when funding becomes available. “

Councillor Graham Phillips, Chair, Transport Environmental and Community Services, agreed.  He said: “This is excellent news that the scheme is still on track and that the Government is committed getting the scheme design ready and on the shelf.   The Council will assist where it can with the Order process and help with the development of the detailed design using our local knowledge in the area.”


14 Jan 2014