Alness Riverside Path Re-opens

The gentle 1 kilometre walk, running alongside the Averon River, is the latest path to be completed as part of the Alness Path Network.

The path greatly improves the riverside walk which was getting dangerous due to erosion of the riverbank. The contractors, William Munro Construction Ltd, worked hard through the icy weather to put in a revetment of large rock to stop further erosion and built a new path surface.

The work was managed by The Highland Council Access Officer, Phil Waite who said: "This path was obviously very popular and was highlighted as important to the community, so we wanted to make sure it was safe to use and available to as many people as possible. I would like to thank the Alness Angling Club who own the land for their support of the project."

The path goes from the Crawl Park to the A9 bridge providing options to walk to the Yankee Pier, Alness Point or the Dalmore circular walk. New signs will be placed to help direct people.

Stewart Campbell of The Alness Path Network Group says: "We hope both local people and visitors to the area will come along and enjoy this beautiful walk. As the route is flat, much of it is suitable for pushchairs and the less able and responsible dogs walkers should also enjoy it."

Funding for the path came from The Highland Council, Scottish Natural Heritage and Ross & Cromarty Enterprise.

Cattie Anderson of Scottish Natural Heritage says: "The project forms part of our aim to work more closely with communities to develop the paths that people want."

The Alness Path Network was started in 2001 to develop a sustainable path network in the area as the result of a comprehensive access study. Much of the network was developed under the Highland Access Project in 2003/4.


12 Apr 2006