Young people and transport on agenda of next Sutherland District Partnership

The next meeting of Sutherland District Partnership will take place at 3pm on Friday 24 January at The Highland Council Offices at Drummuie, Golspie

The main items on the agenda include a presentation on the findings from the recent Highland Youth Conference by Scott Simpson, who represents Caithness, Sutherland and Ross on the Scottish Youth Parliament.

The challenges of integrated transport are also high on the agenda and, to help inform discussion, T4T (Transport for Tongue) Project have been invited to talk about their work.

There will also be a presentation about the extension of pre-school learning provision for children as well as an update on the Local Childcare and Family Resource Partnerships. Information about a new digital resource for Children’s Services will also be tabled.

There will also be a discussion about the need for a Community Development Plan to help guide and coordinate Health and Social Care activities In Sutherland given the many changes taking place.

The agenda and notes of the last meeting are available on the Highland Council website.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and there will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions or raise issues.

Councillor Deirdre Mackay, Leader of The Highland Council’s Caithness and Sutherland Area who will chair the meeting said: “We’ve got a good full agenda for the meeting covering a wide range of topics. It’s important that Sutherland residents are given the chance to have a say about the delivery of health and social care in their area and the District Partnership is a good way for them to engage with service providers. I hope we get a good turn-out for the meeting especially from our local young people for the main item on the agenda.”


15 Jan 2014