Castletown Landfill Site Caithness

Residents in Castletown are being advised that works on the former landfill site in the village will commence on Tuesday (14 March). The works are being carried out under The Highland Council’s duty to investigate land which may be contaminated and ensure that any necessary remediation is carried out.

Works seek to measure the generation of gases (methane and carbon dioxide) within the landfill, and establish whether these gases are present at the southern boundary of the landfill site. From this information a risk assessment will be carried out by specialist consultants to establish whether there may be risks to neighbouring properties.

The works will consist of the construction of approximately 30 gas monitoring boreholes across the landfill site. These will be constructed using a mechanical drill powered by a small generator.

The borehole installation works should take approximately four weeks to complete. Monitoring will commence during this installation phase and continue for approximately three months following completion of the works. A provisional report on the monitoring is expected from the consultants in mid May.

Ian Hargrave, The Highland Council’s Area Manager for Caithness, told residents:

"I should emphasise that The Highland Council is carrying this work out in the interest of public safety and that the investigation works are precautionary. Gas generation may not be occurring on site. I can assure you that I will continue to advise you of any developments as the works progress."

Residents with any queries should contact the Contaminated Land Team on Freephone 0800 838 009. This number will be staffed from 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday.


12 Apr 2006