Grantown Girl goes behind the scene at high-end fashion photo-shoot


Molly Westbrook, 14, from Grantown Grammar School got to see first-hand how the current Love Your Clothes campaign shoot was put togeMolly pictured during the photo shootther after she was chosen by Zero Waste Scotland for writing a blog through Young Scots Rewards.

With £140 million worth of clothes ending up in Scottish landfills each year Molly blogged about her Love for Clothes and pointed out that the fashion industry must also play its part in helping the environment for future generations.

From hair and make-up preparation, to styling and set design, Molly was able to observe a model and fashion photographer at work and was able to walk away with an invaluable insight into the fast-paced fashion industry.

She said: “I learned a lot from this experience, like what goes on behind the scenes and what type of lighting you need to get to get the right photo. I learned that there was a lot of waiting around while things get ready. That was a surprise. It’s not as glamorous as you think it is!"

“Winning this Young Scot Rewards experience has been great and when I spotted the competition I jumped at the chance to enter.  The day was amazing. I got my makeup done, I got to look at what they do with the clothes and I got to watch them set up and take all the photos. I also got to meet the models and hear how they got started in their careers.

“The best part of the day was watching all the photos being taken and seeing all the photos afterwards as they look so different to when you watch it. It was really cool.”

£140 million worth of clothes end up in landfill each year in Scotland.

When asked what she thought we could do about this and how she thought the fashion industry could be made more sustainable Molly’s message was: “Reuse all your clothes! Some people stop using their clothes because they are out of fashion but you can easily adapt them so you can keep wearing them. You can put it with something else to make it in fashion, or put jewels on it to update it. I change all the little buttons and stuff. You don’t have to throw away clothes because they have gone out of fashion."



Molly pictured during the photo shoot

9 Jun 2014