Highland Teacher Receives Headship Award

The Depute Head Teacher at Ardnamurchan High School, Christopher Miller-Criag is heading for the top after receiving his Scottish Qualification for Headship (SQH) award.

He is among 138 Scottish teachers who successfully completed the course and received their awards at a ceremony in Glasgow on Saturday (March 4).

The SQH is designed to prepare teachers for the key role of school leadership and help them develop the necessary skills.

Deputy Education Minister Robert Brown said: "We want all schools to be excellent and for children to receive the highest standard of education possible. Good leadership is central to this. Successful schools have committed and inspirational headteachers at their heart, whose guidance can have a lasting effect on both their staff and pupils.

"The teachers here today have worked extremely hard to complete their qualification and I wish them well for the future. I'm sure they'll go on to do a great job in the schools they lead."


13 Apr 2006