HMIe Report On Portree High School Pupil Residence

Portree High School’s Pupil Residence has received an excellent report from HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) and the Care Commission, who visited the residence in October and November 2005 as part of a programme of integrated inspections of mainstream school care accommodation services.

The inspection team said in their report that the climate and relationships in the hostel were very good. Pupils and staff clearly identified with the hostel and were proud to be associated with it. The arrangements for pastoral care were also very good. All staff were highly committed to pupils’ care and welfare. They provided very good support for pupils’ education and the hostel’s arrangements for supporting pupils’ personal and social development were very good. The residence manager provided very good leadership. She had considerable experience and a high level of professional competence in the management of care provision. She had very good relationships with staff, pupils, parents and the wider community and was highly regarded by them. The Area Education Manager provided very effective support for the management of the hostel which included termly meetings of residence managers.

In particular, HM Inspectors of Education and the Care Commission deemed that the key strengths of the residence were:

Mrs Margaret Anne Beaton, the Residence Manager, said the report reflected the hard work and commitment of all the residence staff and the good relationships that exist between staff, pupils and parents. She thanked all those involved for their support.

Main points for action were:

Laurence Young, The Highland Council’s Area Education Manager, was extremely pleased with the excellent work the residence manager and her staff were doing and the quality care given to pupils. He stated that the Education, Culture and Sports Service would be happy to take on board the action points recommended by HM Inspectorate of Education.

13 Apr 2006