Cauldeen Primary School inspection report

Cauldeen Primary School and Nursery, which was recently inspected, has been judged as having key strengths in the following areas:

  • Children who are polite, enthusiastic and very engaged in their learning.
  • A positive and nurturing ethos throughout the school and commitment of all staff to children's care and welfare.
  • Teamwork of all staff supporting quality learning experiences, leading to achievement and success.
  • Wider opportunities that the school offers for children to achieve success.

The report also commends that the teachers are embracing all that Curriculum for Excellence offers, providing interesting and motivating opportunities for children to learn. Through high expectations from staff and motivating and interesting lessons children are making good progress in their mathematics and numeracy. They are also making good progress in their English language and literacy. Children are well behaved and attentive during almost all lessons and are very proud of their school and community. In the primary classes, through very positive learning experiences children are learning very well.

The school is encouraged to continue the development of a curricular framework to enhance children's learning journey from nursery to P7 and to further improve the management of self-evaluation across the school.

Parent Council, Chair, Pauline Smith said: "I would just like to say I am a very proud parent of both my girls but delighted for Cauldeen Primary School on a very successful school Inspection. It's the teachers, parents, janitor, dinner ladies, cleaners and most of all the children who make it such a friendly school that it is performing so well! Go Cauldeen - you should be very proud."

The Highland Council would also like to extend its congratulations to the staff and pupils as well as the whole Cauldeen school community on what is a very positive report.


8 Jul 2014