Sharing Ideas To Tackle Highland Energy Problems

A new forum is being launched this week to help share ideas on tackling energy problems. The Highland Energy Forum is going online, hosted by The Highland Council’s Think-Net discussion site.

With soaring prices bringing energy issues to the fore, the new forum has been established by the Highland Energy Efficiency Advice Centre (HEEAC) to open up discussion on three aspects of the subject. How can we save energy? How can we help those who can’t afford it? And how can we find new sources?

The launch of the new forum comes at a time when one Highland household in five is in fuel poverty – having to spend more than 10% of its household income on gas and electricity. Of these households, one-third are considered to be in extreme fuel poverty. There is now growing concern for these at a time when rising prices are predicted to double nationally the numbers who have difficulty in coping.

The new Highland Energy Forum has the aim of sharing ideas and best practice. It will be linked directly to the Highland Energy Efficiency Advice Centre’s website, which is a source of much specific information about practical steps that can be taken to help businesses and homes. The Centre provides information in many forms, including telephone advice, home energy checks and advice on local and national grants, as well as roadshows, presentation and training, and the staff say that they are always glad to hear direct from those with energy problems or queries.

There is an open invitation from the site to everyone to join in the discussion, to gather information from it or provide comment or ideas.

For more information, contact:

Howie Firth, Think-Net, 01343 540844

Alastair Campbell, HEEAC, 01463 703511


13 Apr 2006