Skye Bridge Approach

The Convener of the Highland Council is to write to the Lord Advocate to ask him to reconsider the validity of the convictions in respect of non-payment of the Skye Bridge tolls.

Councillor Alison Magee is to approach the Lord Advocate as the result of statements made by former Procurator Fiscal David Hingston that he prosecuted Highland constituents using copied parts of civil documents and without sight of any statutory identification statement publicising the official assignation of ministerial rights.

There was opposition to the move by Councillors Mike Macmillan and Roddy Balfour but the Council voted 32-21 to proceed.

Councillor Drew Millar, Portree, who gave notice of the move during question time at the council meeting, was unable to attend the meeting due to adverse weather conditions.

His supplementary question – that the Council also write to the Scottish Executive – could not be considered due to Council Standing Orders not permitting debate in the absence of the councillor.


12 Apr 2006