Kingussie High School - Police Drugs Liaison follow up

Police officers and dog handlers, with school staff in attendance, were present at the school on Monday morning in an effort to establish whether there may be drugs-related activity present within the school population (Secondary 2-6). First year pupils were not involved. The school has a roll of 406 pupils.

Head Teacher Eddie Broadley has written to parents at the school to advise them of Monday’s joint drugs operation, which is a follow up to a drugs awareness session given by the police drugs surveillance team at Easter.

Concerned that there might be drugs misuse at the school, he said the operation should be seen both as an assurance to the school community that the school and the police are being vigilant and a warning to pupils that taking drugs into school will not be tolerated.

He told parents: "I regret to report to you that the survey resulted in some evidence being obtained of drugs-related activity and that one pupil is assisting Police with their enquiries, which are ongoing at this time of writing to you. I estimate that there may well be a need for further enquiries in order that everything is satisfactorily investigated and corroborated. The Education Authority and police are being very helpful and supportive as are the parents of pupils so far involved."

"Kingussie High School remains ever vigilant about such matters and is regularly represented at local Drugs and Alcohol Forum meetings. We have a thorough programme of Health Education which features the latest information and education approaches to drugs education for all pupils including Police drugs liaison visits.

Last session pupils attended a multimedia play called ‘Rush’ by the visiting theatre company ‘Class Acts’, which concentrated on the effects of drugs misuse on ordinary young lives. Recent School Association meetings have been considering the issue of drug misuse and we are plan to host information evenings for parents later in this session.

"I would also wish to reassure you that the school continues to review and further develop its drugs education programmes (which also include the misuse of alcohol and tobacco) and to work with supportive local organizations through our Social Education programme.

"However, I continue to be concerned about any drugs-related activity within the school population. I continue to urge everyone associated with the school to be vigilant at all times. We can never be too careful where these matters are concerned.

I have been in discussions with local Police and all members of staff have also been informed about being extra vigilant. The main concerns are related to the misuse of cannabis and ecstasy and I would welcome your support and any information you may obtain in order to make sure that drugs misuse does not occur at any time in this school.

"It is vitally important to be as observant as possible and to report anything suspicious or causing any concern in this regard. Your help, support and advice remains essential to the operation of the school, to the benefit of its pupils."

NOTE TO NEWSDESK: Eddie Broadley, Head Teacher, can be contacted on 01540 661475


19 Apr 2006