Members of The Highland Council’s Adult and Children’s Services Committee have welcomed the Council’s intention to award the third and final contract in the Council’s programme of new primary schools for the Fort William area. The award of the three con

The award of the three contracts along with the final phase of the redevelopment of Lochaber High School that is now well underway will see the Council’s current capital investment in schools in Fort William reach £50 million.

Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chair of the Council’s Adult and Children's Services Committee said: “Awarding the third and final contract is a major milestone in the Council’s programme to provide modern schools in the Highlands and Fort William. We will consider a report to the May Adult and Children’s Service Committee outlining how we will ensure that the new buildings act as hubs in the community with as much access as possible for the community.”

Contracts were awarded earlier this month for a new school at Lundavra Road to replace the existing Fort William and Upper Achintore Primary Schools and also for a new Gaelic medium school at Ardgour Road in Caol. Both of these schools are programmed to open in August 2015.

The final project involves the demolition of the existing Caol Primary School and Caol Community Centre buildings and the construction of two new buildings. One building will be a new Community Centre, the other a joint campus that will accommodate an eight-classroom school to replace Caol Primary School as well as a six-classroom school combining the existing Fort William and Lochyside Roman Catholic Primary Schools.

The schools are due to occupy their new building by February 2016. The existing Community Centre will continue to operate during the first phase of the works until the new Community Centre building is ready, the exact date of which will have to be agreed with the contractor once appointed. The demolition of the existing school and remaining external works will be completed by May 2016.

The next stage in the procurement process for the Caol project is to issue letters to all those who submitted tenders advising them of the decision to award the contract. There is then a standstill period of at least 10 days from the date of issuing the letters before the contract can be formally awarded. The Council anticipates that it will be in a position to conclude this process early in March.


19 Feb 2014