Locals collect Loo of the Year Awards 2005

Presenting the prizes, Richard Chisnell, Loo of the Year Awards Director said: "Toilets affect every part of our lives from the cradle to the grave, and every day, public toilets are a factor that affects us all. Eating, drinking and toileting are the three basic factors of life.

"It’s the people that provide toilets that make the difference and the Highland Council is a very proactive leader in the Loo of the Year Awards. Toileting today has a much higher profile, with the subjects of public toilets being raised by politicians in Parliament; by the World Health Organisations and the European Union."

In the 2005 Loo of the Year Awards, Highland Council entered 125 toilets and 65% won a 4 or 5 star award with 95% winning a 3, 4 or 5 star award. Highland Council was top local authority in the Loo of the Year Awards, fending off 19 other local authorities in the country.

Ceremony host Norma Murray, Highland Council’s Catering and Cleaning Manager said: "Our toilets assist directly in the quality of life in our communities whether in work, school, play or for tourists visiting our facilities. I am delighted to see so many of us gathered here to celebrate Highland Council’s achievements which could only happen with the dedication and commitment of our staff."

18 Apr 2006