Council Accommodation In Dingwall

Highland Councillors will be asked on Monday to consider plans to rationalise council office accommodation in Dingwall.

During the Ross and Cromarty Area Committee members will be presented with a report from the Director of Property and Architecture which examines the issues surrounding accommodation and lays out two options. One option is for a new single office development to accommodate all council services in Dingwall with a separate Service Point located on the High Street. The other option is to retain the Council Offices and develop a new office in Dingwall for all remaining staff and a separate Service Point on the High Street.

The Highland Council is looking to rationalise its accommodation across the Highlands to improve service delivery and to make efficiency savings. Currently some 381 staff in Dingwall work in 11 leased and owned offices which are in a deteriorating condition and do not comply with statutory requirements such as the Disability Discrimination Act. Officers have estimated that to refurbish these offices so that they comply with legislation would cost in excess of £10 million.

Once Councillors decide on their preferred option, officers will look for private sector interest in the project and get estimated costs before reporting back to the Committee.

3 May 2006