Council Adopts Highland Renewable Energy Strategy and Planning Guidelines

After a debate this morning, Members of The Highland Council confirmed the decision of the Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee to adopt, with some changes in South East Sutherland and incorporating new information on the ability of the Council to insist about local content in developments, the Highland Renewable Energy Strategy and Planning Guidelines.

The strategy will become supplementary policy and will be used by Councillors to make informed and consistent decisions when looking at future planning applications.

The Director of Planning and Development, John Rennilson gave assurances to Members that the strategy will be regularly monitored and that there was sufficient flexibility within the document to ensure Councillors will still have discretion in interpreting the policy against particular local circumstances.

He said: "The strategy, which incorporates wind, hydro, wave, tidal and biomass technologies has now become supplementary policy with specific criteria but will be refreshed and updated when more information becomes available. It is a bedrock that gives clear guidance to developers, communities and Members. Future applications will be considered in context although councillors will still have local discretion.

"Although much of today’s debate centred on on-shore wind farms, the strategy does take us up to 2020 and gives clear encouragement to developers of different renewable energy, such as wave and biomass, that they would be welcome in the Highlands."

4 May 2006