Green project grows on Merkinch and South Kessock community

The Merkinch and South Kessock Environmental Project aims to make best use of the greenspaces within the area and to take forward initiatives that have been identified through community consultation as making a significant difference to the open spaces in the area.

The Project which saw improvements to the entrance to Carnac Point last year has continued with a bulb planting session at the Point and foreshore, and the Corbett Centre during the last weeks of October. A total of 25 bags of daffodil and crocus bulbs were planted by local residents, including local school children.

Other elements of the Project will include the installation of seating and picnic benches in community areas; a community designed series of signage and heritage panels; improvements to the paths at Westfield; further improvements to the environment at Carnarc Point and the revitalisation of the Corbett Centre gardens. The result will help to encourage participation and pride in the area as well as attracting visitors. The work will continue over the next four months, culminating in a community event in March 2006.

This Community led initiative is funded by Greenspace Scotland Community Environmental Renewal Scheme, the Inverness City Partnership and the European Union Community Economic Development programme, with co-ordination by the South Kessock Environmental Company, supported by Merkinch Enterprise and Greeninverness.

Local Highland Councillor Peter Corbett said: " I am delighted that this funding has been awarded to Merkinch. The bulb planting was a great success, with a good turnout from local residents. It was encouraging to see so many children taking part, and indicates that there is a real community commitment to enhance the open spaces in this area."

18 Apr 2006