Cooking Up A Treat For Young People

Tortilla wraps, cottage pie, health bars and black forest gateau were just some of the appetising dishes pupils of Ullapool High School whipped up during a seven week series of cookery lessons.

Seventeen young people from between the ages of 12 and 25 took part in the lessons to develop their culinary skills. Each week the group of students would follow a recipe to make a healthy and nutritious meal in the High School’s Home Economics classroom with supervisors on hand to offer guidance and lots of helpful hints.

The cookery course, funded by Healthways and The Highland Council, was organised by Youth Worker Yvonne Boa with the assistance of local ladies Jo Munro and Lesley Butler who, over the seven weeks, became somewhat celebrated for their abilities in the kitchen and passing their skills onto the students.

Yvonne Boa said: "I would like to thank everyone who took part and the High School for allowing us the use of their home economics room. All the students did very well and got a lot out of the classes. I am sure they will now enjoy developing their cooking skills with new found confidence. The food they prepared was based on simple to do and fairly healthy recipes which could be adapted to suit everyone’s own taste.

"Although the series of classes has come to an end, the feedback has been so positive that I hope we will be able to organise another session in the autumn."


9 May 2006