Good Response Urged

Residents in Invergordon and Alness are being urged to return their completed survey to The Highland Council in the next week (by Friday 19 May).

Around 1750 households in the Community Warden areas of Coulpark, Firhill, Kirkside, Milnafua and Westford in Alness, and South Lodge in Invergordon have been asked by the Council for their opinions on anti-social behaviour.

This year’s survey aims to collect local views from households in established Community Warden areas and from those residents living in the newly approved Community Warden area in Invergordon.

Stephen Callan, Ross and Cromarty Area Housing Manager, urged people to return their survey soon.

"This is the third year running we have conducted a survey but the information we get back is just as important as the first and second times we received it," he explained.

"We’ll use the information to help us continue to prioritise the work that the Community Warden does to make sure they are responsive to people’s concerns. And this year’s survey will help us check if communities feel the Wardens have again made a difference," he said.

The Scottish Executive provided the majority of the funding for three Community Warden posts in Alness and Invergordon for an initial pilot period of two years starting May 2004. This has been extended for another two years and allowed the South Lodge area to expand. The Highland Council Housing Service manages the Community Warden initiative in the Highlands in consultation with local community representatives and statutory partners.

This year’s postal questionnaire sent to households should be returned to Housing Services in the pre-paid envelopes by Friday, 19 May 2006.


10 May 2006