Tree works – River Ness, Inverness


Works start this week, Wednesday 8 October 2014 on Gilbert Street Inverness to undertake general tree maintenance and crown reduction on selected trees as part of The Highland Council’s River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme.  

The Council always recognised that construction activities within close proximity to the trees would have some impact on the root structure and some crown reduction was identified in the environmental statement accompanying the planning application.  

Following completion of all the excavation works around the trees, an assessment has been carried out on each tree and selected crown reduction on 10 trees will be undertaken to more closely align the size of the tree canopy with the remaining root structure of the trees.  

Monitoring of the trees will also be undertaken to ensure that stability of the trees is not compromised. The Council recognises that the works will cause some degree of noise disturbance and localised traffic disruption and apologises for any inconvenience. To try to minimise the impact of the tree works they are being coordinated within the flood alleviation works.  

The tree works will take place on streets adjacent to the flood works including Bank Street, Douglas Row, Gilbert Street, Huntly Place and Huntly Street.  

The stability testing and the supervision of the crown reduction is to be undertaken by the Council’s appointed arboricultural advisor (Scottish Arboricultural Services) and tree contractor (West Contract Services) will be undertaking an assessment for any bat interests.  



6 Oct 2014