Preparing Implementation Plan for First Dedicated Gaelic School in Highland

A meeting is to be held at Sleat Primary School, Skye, later this month when plans to establish the first dedicated Gaelic School in the Highlands will be discussed further.

Bruce Robertson, The Highland Council’s Director of Education Culture and Sport Service, has written to parents and members of the School Board inviting them to a meeting on Tuesday 28 November.

His invitation follows confirmation by The Highland Council to establish a dedicated Gaelic school in Sleat, Isle of Skye, with an English medium department.

The implementation date is from August, 2007  and Mr Robertson wants early discussions with staff, parents and officials of the education authority to draw up an implementation plan for the change in education provision.

Under the terms of the Education Authority’s agreed procedure to meet the requirements of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, the Council carried out the consultation in response to representations from Comann nam Pàrant Sleite (Gaelic parent group Sleat), Comunn na Gàidhlig and other interested individuals to consider the establishment of a dedicated Gaelic school at Sleat Primary School.

1 Nov 2006