New St Andrew’s Day Event Announced For Inverness

The Highland Council have announced that Inverness is to take part in this year’s Scottish Executive’s One Scotland St Andrew’s Day celebrations by staging a 5 hour event in Falcon Square on Thursday November 30th.

The Inverness celebration will feature the sights and sounds of the rich cultural diversity of modern Inverness as well as “waves of saltires” and performances by local band “Schiehallion”at 7pm and 9pm. 

The giant Eagle created by Sculptor Sam Barlow that local Video Artist John McGeoch used to film locals during September’s “Imaging the Centre” event in Inverness is returning to the Highland Capital.

Last time the camera in the eye of the Eagle secretly captured video images of members of the public who had been encouraged to enact the last five seconds their life which were projected on to the walls of Abertarff House once darkness fell.

On St Andrew’s Night, the filming isn’t going to be a secret because this time the plan is to “feed the Eagle” with the citizens of as many countries as possible!

Nobody knows how many cultures are going to be represented through the faces projected on the walls of Falcon Square on the night, but everyone is invited and the more the merrier.

To get the search for  the One Scotland faces pupils at Crown Primary School are going to be filmed to represent the youngest of the New Highlanders.

The Eagle will be feeding in Falcon Square from Noon on St Andrew’s Day and it is hoped that everybody who is working in the city who knows some one who can add to the Eagles collection of countries will make sure they visit Falcon Square.

As well as appealing for as many members of the City’s International Community to visit the Eagle as possible during the day, it is also planned to invite them to help local DJ Andi Stephen’s play the most diverse set of dance music that has ever been played in the Highlands.

Music lovers from all around the world are asked to bring their favourite CD’s down to Falcon Square and Andi will try to play songs from as many countries as possible during the event.

All participants, and possibly passers by, will be given a range of small saltires and other promotional materials provided by the Scottish Executive and it is hoped that this will be the first of an annual celebration of St Andrew’s Day in Inverness.

2 Nov 2006