Childcare Conference

Remember when you were three years old?  Imagine turning up at the playgroup, all the new faces….. and you can’t talk to them! Not because you are too shy but because English is not your first language. 

As more families from outside the UK come to the Highlands and islands to work, childcare staff need the skills to work with children who understand and speak little English.  This year’s ACT (Action for Childcare Training) conference in Inverness on 11 November offers a chance to learn about ways of supporting children who have English as a second language. 

The session is one of six afternoon workshops offering a range of practical advice, including one-to-one guidance on training and demonstrations of how to use computers to have fun with language learning. 

The future of the childcare and early education workforce is the conference’s overall theme.  “Soon all childcare practitioners must register with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)  in order to be able to work,” said Sam Brogan, senior childcare and family resource officer at Highland Council.  “To register, staff must be suitably qualified or have started appropriate training.  We’re delighted to have the SSSC’s learning and development adviser, Frances Scott,  as our morning speaker.”        

The conference, at Culloden Academy Community Complex, is supported by Highland Council and Highlands & Islands Enterprise.  Creche spaces are  available if booked in advance;  tickets are £15 including soup and sandwiches.  To book, please contact the Childcare & Early Education Service tel. 01463 711176

ACT formed in 1995 as a way of enabling childcare staff to meet, exchange ideas and get inspiration for their work with children and families.  Since then ACT has held an annual conference and its members have contributed to developments in the training for the childcare workforce. 

9 Nov 2006