Ferintosh pupil receives prize for school

Catriona Robertson of Ferintosh Primary School has won runner-up in an art competition to design the 2007 calendar of Lyreco Office Supplies.

For her design of sailing boats, Catriona received a television and DVD Combo and £75 for her school. The competition was sponsored by: Fellowes, Brother, Stabilo and Avery Dennison.

The Lyreco catalogues will be distributed to all schools and Council Services.

Congratulating her on her achievements, Alison MacPherson of Lyreco recently presented a TV/DVD combi to Catriona Robertson for Ferintosh Primary School.

Lynne Caddell, Acting Head Teacher, Tore/Ferintosh Primary Schools said: “We are delighted to welcome such a talented youngster into Ferintosh Primary and are looking forward to watching Catriona’s skills develop during her remaining time in primary school.”


9 Nov 2006