Gaelic Medium secondary education moves to Inverness Royal Academy.

Members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee have agreed to transfer Gaelic Medium secondary education provision from Millburn Academy to Inverness Royal Academy in Inverness.

The decision to move the provision of Gaelic Medium education was made following hearing the outcome of a statutory consultation with parents, school boards, community councils, Members of Parliament and Scottish Parliament, Head Teachers and staff of the schools directly affected, and the Chairman of Comann nam Parant.

The transfer of Gaelic Medium education will commence with pupils entering their first year at secondary school from August 2007. This timing of the transfer to Inverness Royal Academy will coincide with the opening of the new Gaelic Primary School, Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis.

Pupils at Millburn Academy who have already started Gaelic Medium education prior to August 2007 will continue to receive their schooling at Millburn Academy until they complete their secondary education.


9 Nov 2006