Redesign of Caithness General Hospital and local NHS staffing on the agenda at next District Partnership

On Friday 26 June, the Caithness District Partnership will meet in full as part of the arrangements under the Planning for Integration (P4i) partnership between the NHS and The Highland Council.  

Issues to be discussed will include updates on the NHS redesign of Caithness General Hospital and local NHS staffing. The Scottish Ambulance Service will provide an update report on their Falls Pathway project and the NHS will also provide an update on Dental Services in the area. Dawn Grant, Area Children’s Services Manager with The Highland Council will be attending to update the Partnership on the Care and Learning Service Management structure and also on Child Care Partnership funding. 

This meeting will take place from 10.00 am until 12.00 noon in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso. 

Although not a public meeting the general public are more than welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to ask questions, comment on any matter raised as part of the discussions or put forward their views and suggestions. 

For further information, please contact Alex Macmanus, Assistant Caithness Wards Manager on 01955 609503

15 Jun 2015