Final call - ‘Your Voice Your Choice’ applications
The young people of Lochaber and organisations that support their activities are being urged to come forward with bids for a £10,000 cash pot giveaway.
Lochaber Councillors have made £10,000 available from the ward discretionary budget for distribution to a range of groups, clubs and projects that support young people aged between 11-25 years old.
Usually groups would apply to the fund with the decision being made by the Lochaber Councillors, but a new method known as Participatory Budgeting (PB) will see the target audience making the decisions themselves.
Applicants just need to complete a simple 2 page form and then the idea is put to a public vote in September.
The young people of Lochaber and organisations that support 11-25yr olds are being encouraged to get their thinking caps on and take advantage of this interesting opportunity.
The application form and guidance can be accessed through the Highland Council website or through Highland Council service points and High Life Highland libraries and leisure facilities across Lochaber.
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 28th August 2015.