HMIE Report on Ardgour Primary School

Ardgour Primary School was inspected in June 2006 as part of a national sample of primary education. The quality of accommodation was described as excellent.  There was access for users with restricted mobility, effective security arrangements were in place and the school was in a very good state of repair.

Inspectors identified a range of key strengths within the school.  The confident and polite pupils were well motivated and had positive attitudes to learning.  Skills across the expressive arts were judged to be enhanced through involvement in external musical and sporting events.  An appreciation of Gaelic was being developed through participation in Feis activities and the local Mod.  The pupils were caring and supportive, worked well together and were developing appropriate citizenship skills.  They were actively involved in a variety of enterprise activities.

A broad curriculum was in place and pupils were offered a well-judged range of stimulating learning activities.  The quality of teaching was very good with teachers being well organised and setting high standards for pupils’ attainment.  The quality of attainment in English language and mathematics was described as very good and good respectively. There was a consistently strong quality of interaction and discussion between teachers and pupils and a broad range of well-judged homework activities provided.  There was an effective range of systems for pupils to evaluate their own work and set targets for their learning.

The school had a clear capacity to ensure ongoing improvement.  The experienced head teacher, Mary Adam, was committed to the school and had established a strong sense of teamwork.  She provided very good leadership, had a clear sense of vision and was held in high regard by staff, pupils, parents and the community.

A main point for action was to improve pupils’ learning experiences in environmental studies and religious and moral education by ensuring that the choice of activities presents sufficient challenge to meet the needs of all learners.   Pupils understanding of problem-solving strategies in mathematics should also be addressed.

Head Teacher of the 18-pupil school, Mary Adam, said: “I am delighted that the school has received such a very good report which reflects the hard work, commitment and dedication of the staff, the parents and the wider community in ensuring that the pupils of Ardgour Primary School receive a very high standard of education."

Local Highland Councillor Michael Foxley, who is Council Vice-Convener, said: “This is an excellent report and a very real credit to the staff and pupils.  In particular I would like to congratulate the Head Teacher, Mary Adam, for her second excellent report while working for the Council.  The previous report on Glenborrodale Primary School was of an equally high standard.”

3 Oct 2006