Books on prescription at Highland Libraries

A new health scheme in the Highlands could in some circumstances see doctors and other health professionals referring their patients to their local library.

At Inverness Library, NHS Highland and The Highland Council today (Wednesday 4th October) launched the ‘Well Read’ scheme which aims to help people suffering from stress, depression, or other emotional problems.

Although doctors may continue to prescribe medicine, or refer patients to other health experts, the ‘Well Read’ scheme offers patients a further option. In some circumstances doctors may decide that a book may help their patients and they will ‘prescribe’ the book that they think is most likely to help.  Patients can then go along to their nearest Highland library where they can borrow the book.

At the ‘Well Read’ scheme launch, Highland Council’s Vice Convener and Local GP Dr Michael Foxley said: “Patients still expect to receive advice from front line health workers – such as nurses and doctors. After that they can be referred to a wide range of health professionals. Readily available self help from the local library will be of real advantage.”

Dr Miles Mack, GP Depression Advisor, NHS Highland said: “This project is extremely welcome to help people in the Highland area look after their mental and physical health.  It combines the medical expertise of NHS Highland with the Library services resources in what will become an invaluable resource for patients. People can access these resources in three ways; some will come across the books directly from the library, others will be directed to them by their doctor or health worker and some will use them with the help of the "Guided self help workers" that are soon to start working across Highland.  It will be an invaluable resource that will give alternatives to drugs in the treatment of many conditions.”

The types of health issues covered in the books provided in the scheme include: anger, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, assertiveness, bereavement, bulimia nervosa, chronic fatigue, depression, gambling, mood swings, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic, post-traumatic stress disorder, self-esteem, sexual abuse and adult survivors, sleeplessness, social anxiety and worry.

The books in the ‘Well Read’ scheme give information about the specific problems that people face.  Many of the books have ideas for self-help and they suggest things that the reader can try or think about that will help them to deal with their problems and hopefully start to feel better.

Books can be borrowed for three weeks and people who are not members of their local library can join immediately as long as they take their prescription along to their local library as proof of identity.

Opening times and details of local libraries can be found on Highland  Council’s website at
/leisure/libraries/yourlocallibrary/ or by phoning the Library Support Unit on 01463 235713 or email

4 Oct 2006