Have your say in the future of Sutherland

Anyone with an interest in the future planning of development for their community in Sutherland will be able to provide their opinions on the new Local Plan being prepared for the county.

Planning officials of The Highland Council have produced a discussion document, entitled Sutherland Futures, and they are keen to get feedback from the public at a series of 17 public exhibitions/meetings, starting at Lairg on Monday 23 October and ending in Dornoch on Thursday 30 November.

They will be on hand during the afternoon to record the public’s views and meetings will held from 7 pm. 

Councillor Francis Keith, Chairman of the Sutherland County Committee, is urging the public to take advantage of this opportunity to have their say.

He said: “When someone wants to build a new house or other kind of development, they apply to the Council for planning permission.  In deciding whether or not things can go ahead, our planners and Committee look first at the Local Plan.  What the Plan says about the site, about the particular type of development or about related matters such as the environment will be very important considerations. So it is important to get the Local Plan right first and keep it up to date, because it will influence the future of Sutherland communities.”

Sutherland Futures which will be published soon and will be available widely across the County.  It sets out for discussion issues and options for development to 2016 and beyond:
• a vision, suggesting the kind of place Sutherland should be 20 years from now;
• a strategy, identifying the potential location of development and a framework for investment in services; and
• settlement plans, identifying key site options for development, together with an explanation of how any other settlements fit in.

Further advice about the Sutherland Local Plan consultation can be obtained from:
David Cowie – tel (01463) 702827; Brian MacKenzie – tel (01463) 702276; Katie Briggs – tel (01463) 702271 and Julie-Ann Acheson – tel (01463) 702266; or Email: Sutherlandlp@highland.gov.uk

11 Oct 2006