Extended Service For Corran Ferry

The ferry which runs across the Corran Narrows of Loch Linnhe in Lochaber has introduced an extended timetable to provide travellers with a predictable all-year round service.

The Corran Ferry, run by The Highland Council, now operates a service from 6.30am to 21.30pm Monday to Saturday and from 8.30am to 21.30 on Sundays.  The only days the ferry will not run are Christmas Day and Boxing Day and the 1st and 2nd January.

Chairman of TEC Services, Councillor Charlie King said: “We have now introduced a timetable which offers more choice and flexibility and which ties up with other public service operators.  I would like to thank the ferrymen for their co-operation.”

Vice Convener of The Highland Council and Local Councillor, Michael Foxley is a regular user of the Corran Ferry.  He said:  “For the past 3 years this ferry has been in profit which allows for a service improvement.  The community councils, especially Ardgour Community Council, and I have campaigned for a consistent service summer and winter.  The extended evening timetable allows people to come back from a day in Glasgow, Edinburgh or Inverness and catch a ferry to return to Ardnamurchan and Morven.  It will significantly increase the social and economic activities in the peninsulas and I am delighted to see it in operation.”

The Council is now looking into the option for passengers to pay by credit card and easy payment methods for regular commercial users.

11 Oct 2006