Appeal to private landlords to assist with housing Syrian refugees

The Highland Council is appealing to private landlords or people who own vacant houses who may be able to offer a house for rent to a Syrian Refugee family. 

The Council is expecting to take around 25 to 30 families from Syrian Refugee camps early in the new year as part of the UK Refugee Resettlement Programme.

The Council has been preparing for the arrival of the refugees and a working group has been established with officers from the Council, NHS Highland, Police Scotland, DWP and the voluntary sector. The focus of the group has been to discuss and progress the preparation work plan and to share information and best practice. The lead officer has also attended COSLA information briefings to ensure that work in Highland is part of an overall coordinated Scottish response.

If private landlords or property owners wish to register an available property for consideration, they can visit our website at

Leader of the Council, Cllr Margaret Davidson said: “We are keen to hear from people who have property available and could assist us in housing refugees when they arrive in the Highlands. Ideally we are interested in property that is available for longer term rentals.

“We will have to match up available housing with other essential services, so we might not be able to use every property offered, but we would be pleased to hear from you. We will provide more detailed information and advice to people who register their properties on our website.”

29 Oct 2015