Community Liaison Group receive update on West Link progress

The second Public Local Communities Liaison Group meeting for the Inverness West Link Project was held last night (Monday 2 November) at the Inverness Leisure Centre, with representatives from Local Community Councils and Sporting Organisations represented. 

The Advance Works Contract being undertaken by MM Miller (Wick) Ltd is well advanced, with most of the tree removal works complete and it is anticipated that all traffic management on the A82 Glenurquhart Road will be finished shortly.

Cllr Graham Ross, Chair of the Community Liaison Group said: “Work is progressing well and all with minimal disruption to traffic and the community to date. Representatives of Scottish Water also attended our meeting to update us on the work they will be undertaking over the coming weeks, which was very useful.”

The meeting was advised by Scottish Water that their involvement in the diversion of their water mains, to allow for the West Link roadworks to commence next year, is progressing well.  Morrison Construction are undertaking the watermains works at the Canal Parks, the Queens Park and the Ness-side areas.

To minimise disruption to customers, Scottish Water advised that a temporary overnight shut down of their supplies will be carried out overnight from 10pm on Wednesday 11 November to 6am on Thursday 12 November.  This may affect 2200 properties and Scottish Water will mail drop all potentially affected properties ahead of this date. 

Joanna Peebles, Scottish Water’s Regional Community Manager for the area, said: “We will continue to work with the council to ensure we keep our customers informed of any work we are required to carry out as part of the West Link project. We have chosen to shut off supplies during the night in an effort to mitigate any inconvenience this may cause and would like to thank customers for their patience and understanding while we carry out this critical piece of work.”  

A similar shut down of the water supply to the properties localised at Ness-side is programmed for January 2016.

The Minutes of the first Community Liaison Group meeting were approved and will be made available on the West Link project pages on the Council website.

3 Nov 2015