Inverness school to welcome award-winning author

Writer Teri Terry, award-winning author of “Slated” and “Mind Games”, is visiting Culloden Academy in Inverness next week.

The visit comes as a direct result of a competition win by Culloden Academy Drama Club, the Culloden Puppeteers.

Drama Teacher Barbara Henderson explains: “The pupils fancied a change from puppetry and primary school audiences, so they thought they’d try film-making. We entered the trailer competition for ‘Mind Games’, and we won the author’s visit to our school. It’s really exciting!”

School Librarian Michelle Gowans added: “We always look for ways of promoting reading to our pupils. It’s a big boost to the school, especially as ‘Mind Games’ is nominated for the Carnegie Medal this year.”

On Wednesday 10 February, Teri Terry will spend the morning at Culloden Academy, having lunch with the winning team and also reading from her work to a range of year groups.

3 Feb 2016