Highlands of Scotland renews Fairtrade status

(left to right) Cllr Hamish Wood and Cllr Bill Fernie celebrate Highland renewing its Fairtrade Zone status

The Highlands of Scotland has renewed its status as a Fairtrade Zone which was first achieved on 13 September 2012.

Highland Councillor Hamish Wood and Fairtrade champion said: “Highland has now renewed its Fairtrade status – a process which takes place every 2 years – which is very good for the region.

“Highland Council supports this good work as it has a social responsibility not just for those within its own boundaries but also those less fortunate than us.

“Fairtrade status has an increasingly powerful message – gone are the days that all that Fairtrade was associated with was bananas and coffee. In Highland we now have Bed and Breakfasts operating as Fairtrade providers as their guests increasingly request this.

“Over the years we have worked hard with communities across the Highlands and I am pleased that more are becoming Fairtrade communities within their own rights as everyone that has Fairtrade status can add this to their advertising which is a very powerful tool.

Congratulations to all those who have helped for their great work as it is all done by volunteers in their own time for the benefit of their communities.”

Chair of The Highland Council’s Resources Committee, Cllr Bill Fernie, echoed Cllr Wood’s comments:
“Thanks to all for getting the Highlands of Scotland Fairtrade Zone status renewed and thank you Cllr Wood for spearheading this extremely worthwhile venture.”

The next renewal date for the Highlands of Scotland as a Fairtrade Zone will be in March 2018.

26 May 2016