Tenants largest group on Highland Housing Association Management Committee

Issued on behalf of Highland Housing Association

Tenants largest group on Highland Housing Association Management Committee
Highland Housing Association has appointed two more tenant members to its Management Committee, bringing the total to six. This means that tenants now form the largest group on the16-strong Committee. Alness tenant Jennifer MacLeod and Dingwall tenant Colin Morrison have this week been appointed to the Management Committee of the new not-for-profit Association. Highland Housing Association will take over the running of council housing in the Highlands if tenants vote for the move in a ballot due to take place in a few weeks’ time.

Angus Maclean, Chair of Highland Housing Association, said: “The fact that tenants are the largest group on the Management Committee reflects our commitment to ensuring that tenants are at the heart of everything we do. I am convinced that Jennifer and Colin will help ensure that we remain tenant focused.”

Jennifer Macleod is a tenant in Alness and has been involved in housing and tenant participation issues locally for many years. She currently chairs the Firhill Residents Association and is involved in a number of wider community projects. Jennifer said:  “I believe that the most significant benefit to come from a vote in favour of Housing Stock Transfer will be the cancellation of the £160 million Housing debt by the UK Treasury. This will allow us to keep rents affordable and spend more on services and improvements for tenants.”

Colin Morrison is a tenant in Dingwall. He is currently vice-chair of Docharty Residents Association and has played an active role in developing this new association over the last 18 months. He is interested in developing tenant representation and wider community involvement.

Colin said: “I feel strongly that the issues facing housing in the Highlands need to be challenged in ways that are not viewed as traditional. What Highland Housing Association is proposing is exactly that and I am wholeheartedly behind its aims and delighted to be part of its ongoing progress.”

In addition to the six tenant members there are also five Council representatives and five independent community members

4 Sep 2006