Blas 2006 Blasts Off Successfully

After a successful ‘Blast off’ in Fort William last Friday and more excellent and packed concerts in other Highland venues over the weekend the Blas Festival is now flying high.

There were upwards of 200 in the audience at Fort William’s Nevis Centre to see Blas blast off with performances from, among others, Julie Fowlis and Jenna Cumming. The quality and diversify of the concert produced a huge response from the appreciative audience.  A great night was also had in Mallaig on Saturday night.

Ross-shire folk turned out in their droves to attend concerts in Ullapool and Achilitibuie and were bowled over the quality of the acts on show.

Only at a Mackay wedding would you see a bigger crowd packed into the Srathy Hall in Sutherland commented a member of the audience who enjoyed an evening of fine music which included performances by representatives of two fèisean.

Blas is particularly proud of the fact that during the festival young Highland musicians can share stages with more experienced names like Blazin’ Fiddles and Phil Cunningham and Aly Bain acquit themselves brilliantly. The aforementioned Phil & Aly played with others to a packed house in Plockton on Saturday night, Capercaillie filled the 650 seats at the Aviemore Highland resort the same night and so the good news about Blas 2006 goes on.

Blas chairperson, David Boag is delighted with how well this year’s festival has gone so far. “The music has been brilliant – but we expected that given the quality of the acts we booked. The crack has also been great – for that we can thank the musicians, the volunteers from the different communities who have helped run events and, of course, the Highland audiences who have responded terrifically well.”

So Blas 2006 is cruising after an impressive blast off and a number of events this week are already sold-out and most are well on their way to having full houses. This, combined with a veritable feast of the best traditional music on offer anywhere being served up, will mean that Blas will continue to scale the heights.

Editors’ Note:
The Blas festival is a partnership between the Highland Council, Fèisean nan Gàidheal and the Promoters’ Arts Network and sponsored by Clydesdale Bank. It is funded by The Highland Council, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Highland 2007. Blas’s Media Partner for 2006 is BBC Radio Scotland.

Blas is an initiative to establish a new festival to celebrate Highland music and to promote interest in and the use of Gaelic. Blas takes it name from the Gaelic word meaning, among other things, flavour, relish and experience, all of which are essential ingredients for a successful and memorable festival. This initiative is particularly apposite at this time given that 2007 is to be the Year Scotland Celebrates Highland Culture, and it is expected that Blas will be one of the centrepieces of the 2007 events.


5 Sep 2006