Council takes precautionary measures on Ness Bank.

As a precautionary measure, The Highland Council’s TEC Services is placing sandbags along the River Ness in Inverness City Centre in anticipation of high tides this weekend.

River-side residents and businesses are being assured that while the Council does not expect  the Ness to come over its banks the Council is nevertheless taking protective measures by sandbagging the walls on both sides from Friars Bridge to Greig Street footbridge and some sections between Friars Bridge and the Black Bridge.

Although, TEC Services staff have started sandbagging this morning, the Council assures householders that this action is precautionary, as weather forecast information at present does not suggest there will be a problem.

The Met Office forecast for the next few days (i.e. up to Saturday) suggests a dry spell of weather with light winds. Pressure is expected to steadily build towards the weekend which makes the possibility of a tidal surge unlikely. All this indicates that coastal flooding is (relatively) unlikely, however with the highest tides in the UK for the 25 years predicted – there must still be an element of caution.
Weather information is available on the Met Office website: at

The Council assures residents and businesses along the riverside that they are and will continue to monitor both river levels and weather forecasts with, the priority at present being to ensure that the river banks are sandbagged at the appropriate places.

For flood alert information contact SEPA Floodline No: 0845 9881188.

6 Sep 2006