Inverness Members focus on local priorities for city and area

Inverness Councillors were updated on strategic priorities for Inverness that exist in the Council’s programme ‘Highland First’ at a meeting of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee today (1 September).

Current strategic priorities being progressed for the area cover: the city-region deal, infrastructure for growth, city promotion, the city centre, business vibrancy, health and well-being, transport, social equality and education.

Elected Members also discussed a range of additional local priorities including additional green space, sports development for communities, more apprenticeships and 20mph zones for the city.

Highland Council Leader Cllr Margaret Davidson said:

“I am still excited about the prospects and the energy around the Inner Moray Firth area and Inverness in particular and it’s very important that we build upon the existing successes and momentum that has already been achieved. Members have raised good suggestions today for additional Inverness priorities and we need to ensure that these are fed back into The Highland Council’s strategic priorities for consideration.”

Provost of Inverness and Area Councillor Helen Carmichael added:

“A great amount of progress is being made for Inverness and area through developments such as the West Link, Inshes roundabout, and Midmills building to name a few projects. It is vitally important however, that Members further identify Inverness priorities that can be put forward for council consideration by the relevant Services.”

1 Sep 2016