More strings to the bows of young musicians


Pupils from Dalneigh Primary School, Inverness are pictured with Andrew Berridge (viola) and Naomi  Pavri (cello) during a Scottish Ensemble workshop held last Thursday (8 September). 

The Scottish Ensemble has developed an ongoing relationship with the school where Highland Council runs a group strings project as part of its Instrumental Tuition Service provision.  Last week’s visit was the first for this session and the pupils are working on a piece which they will perform alongside the Ensemble at a public performance in Spring 2017. 

The Council’s Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton commented: “The Dalneigh Strings Project is unique and has proved to be a great success since it began.  The school staff have seen a positive effect on many aspects of the pupils education and behaviour, and Scottish Ensemble members have been repeatedly impressed at the pupils focus, concentration and general musical knowledge.  The Council’s strings Instructor Eleanor Cameron leads the project and has achieved great success with the pupils in lessons and ensemble activities.  To have a national professional group such as the Scottish Ensemble actually asking if they can develop the commitment when they come to Inverness is praise indeed for all those involved”.

13 Sep 2016