Retiral of Zena, long-serving Council employee

One of The Highland Council’s longest serving employees bowed out today (Friday) after 44 years’ service to local government. Zena Sinclair, a clerical assistant at the Council’s offices at Market Square, Wick, was presented with gifts from councillors and colleagues at ceremonies held at Wick Town Hall, where her career began in 1962.

Zena began work for Wick Town Council as a shorthand typist on leaving school. When the Town Council was disbanded in 1975, as part of local government reorganisation, Zena transferred to Market Square, Wick to work in the Chief Executive's office of Caithness District Council. 

At the most recent reorganisation in 1996, Zena continued to work in Market Square as a clerical assistant in the Law and Administration Section of The Highland Council.  Zena has taken in her stride the many changes she has encountered throughout her career, most notably the introduction of computers. 

Councillor David Flear, Convener of the Caithness Area Committee, paid tribute to Zena’s long, loyal and distinguished service to local government in Caithness over four decades.

He said: “Our sincere thanks and gratitude are extended to Zena for her dedication over 44 years to local government.  We are very grateful to her for all she has done for the various councils and we wish her a happy healthy and prosperous retirement.”

Fiona Sinclair, Area Solicitor, said: “Zena has been a loyal member of staff of the various councils and a trusted friend to scores of colleagues over the decades.  During the eighteen years that I have worked with Zena I have been impressed by the consideration and concern she has shown for her fellow workers.  Zena will be greatly missed.”  

In her spare time, Zena is a very keen follower of the Royal family, and to this hobby she has devoted a high proportion of her annual leave throughout her career.  While the Queen Mother was alive Zena regularly attended outside Canisbay Church and Scrabster Harbour to watch the great lady arrive and leave.  Over the years, Zena has built up an impressive collection of photographs of various members of the Royal Family at events throughout Scotland.  Zena is a "Friend of the Castle of Mey" and in this her retirement year she has been delighted to attend both the Queen's Garden Party at Holyrood and the Cocktail Party hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay at the Castle of Mey.

8 Sep 2006