Consultation starts on Modified Plan for Caithness and Sutherland

Submit your comments here
The Highland Council has today (30 September) launched a modified version of the Proposed Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan (CaSPlan), which sets out the vision and strategy for the area over the next 20 years.
Following a report presented to the Sutherland County Committee and Caithness Committee on 30 and 31 August 2016, the Caithness Committee decided to propose the removal of two site allocations in Thurso – Site TS12 East of Burnside for Community/public park use and Site TS14 Land West of Caravan Park for Business, Tourism and Leisure which was intended to provide opportunity for hotel development. Due to these two significant changes a Modified Plan requires to be consulted on.
David Cowie, a Principal Planner in the Development Plans Team, explains: “The vast majority of the Modified Plan remains the same as the Proposed Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan which was consulted on from 22 January to 18 March 2016. However, due to these significant changes we are required to hold an extra period of consultation on a Modified Plan and we have taken the opportunity to include a small number of minor modifications to other parts of the Plan at the same time.”
“If you previously submitted a comment to the Proposed Plan consultation, and your views remain the same, please note that your comment will be carried forward and you do not need to resubmit it. We are particularly keen to hear now what people think of the proposed changes to the Plan.”
A 6-week public consultation will run from 30 September to 11 November 2016. Anyone wishing to read the Plan and submit comments is encouraged to do this via the Council’s consultation portal at
Anyone who wishes to make any comments should follow the instructions on this website. Any issues regarding access or use of the website (for example if you cannot access the internet) should be directed to the Development Plans Team on 01349 886608, who will provide an alternative method for submitting comments.
A copy of the Plan is also available to view at public libraries (including mobile libraries) and the Council’s service points within the Plan area (and Tain), and at planning offices in Wick (Caithness House), Golspie (Drummuie Offices) and Inverness (Council HQ) during the consultation period.
Comments must be received by the Council no later than 12 noon on 11 November 2016.