New Teaching Tool For The Three Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

In an effort to make young people more aware of what happens to their rubbish, The Highland Council has launched a new pack to help teachers cover the subject of waste and recycling in their classrooms.

The pack, produced by the Council’s Waste Management Unit is written with Highland-specific information about what happens to our waste and recyclable materials as well as having a lot of information and suggesting activities about promoting the three Rs - “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”

The packs are for anyone interested in education about waste and recycling in the Highlands, including primary or secondary school teachers and other education workers such as countryside rangers, cub and brownie pack leaders and members of community groups. 

Sheila Wickens, from The Highland Council’s Waste Management Unit said: “As well as providing ideas on how to make teaching about waste and recycling relevant and interesting to young people, the pack has lots of ideas for positive actions that we can all take to reduce, reuse and recycle where ever we are in the Highlands.  These include composting our household waste, taking unwanted clothes and household items to charity shops, using reusable bags for our shopping and setting printers up to print double sided. The material in the pack is very interactive.  Children will be encouraged to carry out their own experiments and research and challenged to come up with ways of reducing the amounts of rubbish they produce both at school and at home.” 

The Council’s Spokesman on Waste Management Councillor Bill Fulton said:  “This new pack will be a very welcomed resource to help teach young people about a serious subject in a practical and fun way. From my experience I have found young people are very aware of the huge global issues about waste which we all face.  Through changing our habits about how we dispose of rubbish and looking closely at our consumption habits we can all cut down on the amount of rubbish ending up going to landfill sites.”

At the launch guests were handed out copies of the packs and given the chance to try out some of the supporting learning material including a giant floor game, resource boxes and recycled crafts.  They also got to meet the Council’s new mascot, Compost, the Cow who is available to visit schools and communities for special events such as eco fairs and local recycling campaigns. 

Anyone who would like a copy of the pack should contact Sheila Wickens on 01349 868627 or

13 Sep 2006