‘Biodiversity on the edge’

The Caithness Biodiversity Group are inviting members of the public to find out more about Biodiversity projects happening in the county and work of the local group by coming along to a ‘Biodiversity on the Edge’ evening.

The event will be held at the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Thurso on Wednesday 20th September at 5pm.  There will be some short presentations focusing on completed projects such as the water vole survey and habitat enhancement schemes.  There will also be a display and opportunities to meet the group and perhaps suggest ideas for future projects.

The event is kindly hosted by the ERI and sponsored by UKAEA with further funding through the local Biodiversity Project as part of the Highland BAP Implementation Programme, financed by the European Union under the North and West Highland Leader+ 2000-2006 Programmes, Scottish Natural Heritage and The Highland Council.

Marina Swanson, Highland Council’s Caithness East Ranger said: “As a result of the water vole survey, the local biodiversity group have discovered that Caithness is one of the few strong holds for this little creature. Come along to ‘Biodiversity on the Edge’ to find out why.”

Refreshments will be available after the presentations. Everyone is very welcome.  For further details, please contact Marina Swanson on 01955 607758 or e-mail marina.swanson@highland.gov.uk


13 Sep 2006