Successful Gaelic fun days held in Dingwall and Thurso

A very successful Gaelic Fun and Information Day organised by Dingwall Croileagan staff, supported by The Highland Councils Gaelic Community Learning and Development Officer took place recently in Dingwall. 

Over 26 pre-school children and babies attended the event in addition to their parents. 

The Croileagan staff provided musical entertainment, a book–bug session and lots of games and a bouncy castle. The Fun Day also included some Lycra games,  and  face-painting with teas, coffees and cakes much appreciated by all who attended.

Thurso Library also played host to a special Gaelic Book Bug and Information session which was jointly organised by Highlife Highland Thurso Library Staff and The Highland Councils Gaelic Community Learning and Development Officer. 

CALA Officer Maree Nicolson led the Gaelic session, supported by the recently recruited CALA Officer, Debbie Butler. The Gaelic Medium children from Mount Pleasant Primary school were joined by children currently attending the Croileagan and a number of parents and babies. 

Local author Christine Stone sang songs with the young people, and she was ably assisted by Miss Lynsey Munro on the fiddle. Miss Munro, in addition to her musical talents, is also the Gaelic teacher at Mount Pleasant Primary. 

At both events information was available regarding Gaelic Medium education and the benefits of bilingualism, as well as information on local Gaelic evening classes. 

Anyone interested in finding out more about Gaelic should contact Dolina Grant, the Council’s Gaelic Community Learning and Development Officer via e-mail at


29 Nov 2016