Local support sought for Syrian refugee resettlement
Local residents, parents and community group representatives are being invited to a second community meeting in Kinlochleven being hosted by The Highland Syrian Resettlement Partnership.
The meeting will be held on Monday 6 February, 6.30pm at Kinlochleven High School hall.
People attending the event will be introduced to the members of the partnership who will explain the plans that are now in place to ensure that families arriving in Kinlochleven integrate into the community with ease.
The partnership includes: Highland Council, Police Scotland, NHS Highland, Voluntary Action Lochaber, Department for Work and Pensions and High Life Highland.
There will be opportunities at the meeting to explore ways in which local residents can contribute to the project, both in the first few weeks and in the long term.
This is the second re-settlement of Syrian refugees in Highland. The Highland Council has agreed with COSLA to take up to 25 - 30 families in the Council area, over the period of the national re-settlement programme, subject to the confirmation of available housing.
The Home Office and Department for International Development are covering the cost of re-settling refugees across the UK.
In order to protect the families’ privacy and in line with obligations to keep personal information confidential, the partners will not share specific details about the families, where they will be living nor about their personal circumstances.