Would you take the train to Evanton?

The Ross & Cromarty Committee is exploring the potential business case for re-opening Evanton railway station.

Committee Chair, Cllr Margaret Paterson appealed to people to make their views known. She said:  “Re-opening a railway station is not an easy thing, but it can happen, as it did in Conon Bridge. The first step is to test the level of local support and the potential demand for a service. So please if you have a view about the need for trains to stop at Evanton, please complete our short survey.” The survey is available on line on our website at  www.highland.gov.uk/EvantonRailwayQuestionnaire  or by hard copy. These are available at Highland Council Service Points or at some local shops in Evanton. Let us know your views. If there is evidence of strong local demand, we will work positively with Network Rail and others to try to make it happen.”



27 Jan 2017